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Through the Ages, Series 1, Round 6
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The Adventurous General
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Early Byzantines (Anthony) were invaded by Bob's and his army from a Central Asian City State.
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Byz had Arab ally on their right - mostly BdI but some Ps (facing an orchard) and Lh as well. Western Hun ally lined up in front of the BdI. Byz CnC had rBdI extending the line with Bw on the end and LhS behind. Second command had a few CvS at the front with more LhS out on the flank - all regular.
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That's an oasis on the left flank.
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R-l the City had Lh, Ps and Bw on the hill, Then iCvS in the centre (and reserve), then CvO with more LhF in reserve, plus Ps in the BUA.
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Those Ps got great first bound PIPs and advanced quickly on the oasis and the Byz LhS responded by blocking their path. Both sides also advanced on the other side and set the tone for the battle, most of the action occurring on the flanks. Mid-battle, both sides suffered from lack of PIPs, so nothing much happened in the middle until late in the game.
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Arab Ps take the orchard, then hid behind trees so that they couldn't be seen to be shot at.
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Face-off in the centre while lots of death going on between the BUA and oasis - LhS kill Ps, but then the general of the Ps command would come back and retaliate.
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Huns get the PIPs to move out from the centre and reinforce the Byzantine left, while Byzantine LhS attack on their right, only to be surprised by an ambush from behind the crest of the hill and get slaughtered.
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Huns move up, supported by deadly bow-fire, and the added weight of numbers does for the City's right flank. On the other side, the Arab mounted come under attack (the Arab general subsequently ran away and left his Lh to their fate).
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Byz and Arabs finally advance in the centre. The pesky, adventurous Ps general finally gets his come-uppance outside the BUA.
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With the loss of their general, the City's left routed and the knock-on disheartened their centre. The Arabs Ps had defeated the enemy Ps in the orchard 4-0 and their Bd were getting into the Bw.
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Huns having fun on one flank. City mounted having similar (but inconsequential) fun on the other flank.
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Huns and bow together do enough to finish off the disheartened City command, so final position.
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Early Byz 22, City State 3.
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The Byzantine LhS had been decimated on both flanks, but with the bulk of their respective commands' ME being in foot or CvS, neither were disheartened. Similarly, Arabs had most of their ME in foot and the Lh (but not the general) were expendable. The Arabs kept getting 2s on their PIP dice, which really slowed things down on that side of the table. In contrast, the Huns never got a 1 all game so were able to move across to administer the coup de grace.
good batrep. I hope you are posting it to FB or blog. It would be good to have a more permanent record
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At the half-way stage...
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Now moving into the Arabs vs Chinese phase, and definitely some trepidation on the Arabs part.
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Through the Ages Scoreboard.docx
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Would usually use a CAT ally with a CACS but rules of the comp said date had to be within 50 years of 476 and the CAT list doesn't start until 550
Low PIP Ps command got a five for its first roll and was able to advance up and put the Byz LH in all sorts of trouble. The law of averages then kicked in, and it was many bounds before they got more than 1 again.
Good move by Anthony to redeploy his Huns from center to flank
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