"Don't worry, the tyrant will soon be smothered by King Bobazodeo the Well Plumped of the Kushan Empire. We will bring peace freedom and soft furnishings to the whole of Iran" as etched on FaceScroll by scribes of that King.
Nashur I lies dead and Nashur II has run for the hills*
so Watagases the Indestructable turned his eyes towards the Kushan vassals that
had been more bellicose than usual.
King Bobazodeo the Well Plumped Kushan
required a lesson in fealty from the King of Kings.
Being from the Kush he was likely to be toting a
number of elephants. Elephants hate
artillery, which we don’t use as distance killing is so un-manly (only our
vassals ever use bows) so the next best thing is masses of peasants with pointy
sticks to throw themselves in front of said menace. To this end we moved into a newly constructed
fortified town [Read:- I spent all the night before constructing, painting and
basing a 2x2 PF bound BuAf in Arabic style] and expelled the militias, town
guards and peasants out into the field to become elephant bait.
The compulsory BuAf was to be positioned on a road
placed as close to table centre as possible, packed with militia to defend and
sally out to harass flanks and rears OR to otherwise force Bob into a
constricted area. Hetra was again required
to supply a large line of bows to also control a section of the table.
My Order of Battle contained 29 PsI elements which as
well as being my elephant delayers bought all four commands to 24ME or a bit
more. It did require me to be the
defender but Bob agreed to this option as he rushed to claim a greater crown.
We were surprised to find how little support Bobazodeo
had within his nation’s nobility, only the minimum accompanied him and the majority
of his force was lowly vassal/conscripted foot.
Such a disappointingly non-glorious enemy to crush.
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Opening Positions - And a 'spur of the moment' plan. |
And the only elephants that showed up was a single
pair of racing elephants ridden by the CinC himself. Why have a cunning plan if the enemy fails to
bring the required targets??
As dawn arrived on the day of I was forced to execute
a number of engineers who had failed to construct roads as ordered [Read:- the
terrain dice diced the road out of existence] so the BuAf was eventually place
on the table edge of our left flank deep in Bob’s territory. We started between two marshes, some scrub in
our centre rear and an orchard on the centre line to the right. The Kushans hugged a couple of gentle hills
(in more ways than one it turns out).
As our plan to pivot on the BuAf and swamp the
elephants with peasants had been rendered useless by the engineers we had devised
a new plan once the armies had been deployed.
Hold the centre and right by skirmish and delay and use massed light horse,
with a few cataphracts included, to overwhelm the Kushan right (our left) and
then push in behind their lines.
The plan had the effect of scaring the Kushans to move
more light horse from their left to right (our left) making the option to send
a large group of light horse to swamp the few enemy left on that flank. The Kushan centre stayed inert**, except for Bobazodeo
himself of the sole elephant and a few inferior pikes.
We pushed out to our left in large numbers, including
the flanks KnX general, and send half the cataphracts into the fight as well
while Watagases and the remaining cataphacts plus a few light horse hovered
back a bit to cover flanks and keep the enemy foot honest.
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Elephant races light horse between spectator lines. |
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How elephant borne Kings die. |
The fight out on the left was continuing as the LH lottery
does, with casualties on both sides but with my numbers telling, although by
now the Kushans were spreading their casualties over three commands.
We will ignore the action at the BuAf where the Kushans successfully scaled two sections of walk and expelled some of the defenders. It was a total sideshow with no impact on the outcome and we had mostly recovered the town by battles end anyway.
On the right my an impromptu LhF outflanking manouver
ran over the gentle hill in column at full pace straight into a line of bows in
ambush behind the crest!!
We took a
couple of casualties before we U-turned and retired in (not very) good
order. Thrilled at their success the bow
line came forward off their hill.
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Oh bugger!! Ambushed!! |
Having recovered our formation we then took the daring
action of running to the table edge and running past the end of the bow line hoping
to get onto its rear, all the while pushing massed PsI out into the open with
the KnX general to keep the bows occupied frontally.
This took the bows by surprise and they had
low PiPs in response before we got good PiPs that saw us attack their rear and
flank. Apart from one bound where we embarrassingly
bounced off the rear of some bows we started to chew our way down the line
destroying them as we went.
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They weren't expecting that, were they!! |
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CinC & KnX charge bows with LhF in their rear. |
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The Kushans position on the right unravelling as numbers count. |
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And in a bound that took several Kushans including a KnX general it was finished. |
So now it’s two battles defending the King of Kings’
crown and two dead enemy commanders although only the first by my own
hand. Who’s next?? ***
* = Nash had work commitments out of the city.
** = This irregular command rolled 5 1’s out of the 9
PiP rolls Bob made.
*** = Given work and harem commitments we may struggle
to get the correct players in the same location at the same time this
week. A rebel on rebel game has been
mooted or else I may need to seek out Bobazodeo’s son and heir.